Monday, May 16, 2011

Fun with Daddy

I am really behind with blogging. May has been crazy busy and I wasn't caught up with April yet. My mother warned me not to have a baby in May, and we all know how well I listened to that! I can tell you that my next baby will not be born in the spring! Here's a LONG catch up on April.

Fun with Daddy

Jack loves doing fun things with his Daddy. Here are some pictures of a recent trip to the zoo.

Snowball Time!
We took the kids for their first snowballs of the season, and they wanted ice cream. Go figure!

My Springtime Artists

The boys loved when we pulled out the finger paint. Sadly, this was Cooper's first time EVER to finger paint! Shame on me! The boys had a blast (and we haven't done it since)!

Good Friday Crawfish Boil

Every Good Friday for a long time now, we go to our good friends Debbie and Peter's family crawfish boil in Old Metairie. Sadly, this is the last year that it will be held here. Hopefully this tradition will still continue somewhere else.
The day started out with some delicious crawfish.

My Sweet Hubby

Ty Ty

Pete and precious Madison

And then turned into this...

Aunt Nancy soaking Uncle Tommy

Poppy trying to get Jack Jack

Jack getting him back

And ended like this...

As the saying goes, "If Gigi's not happy, aint nobody happy."
Party over.

Happy 2nd Birthday Caroline!

We celebrated cousin Caroline's 2nd birthday at Lafriniere's carousel early (9AM!) the Saturday before Easter. The boys had a blast. "Birthday party" means cake to Cooper so he was super excited to go, and Jack loves playing with everyone so he was on board too.

Cooper went around the carousel one time, as in one complete circle, and he looked at Gigi and said "Done".
Jack had fun playing and talking until I took him literally kicking and screaming on the carousel. Yes, I am one of those moms that makes my kid try something. Jack is one of the kids that will decide if he likes or doesn't like something without ever trying it, and will often change his mind once he tries it.

I took it easy on him and we rode the bench the first time while he clung to me for dear life. The second time I was able to unglue myself from him and take pics of him.

The 3rd time I made him ride a horse (with a ridiculous amount of tears). The result: "I had fun, but I don't need to do it again!" Well, that's all I needed to hear. I am glad he went. Jack has always been afraid. He rode his first one at Vineyard in the Park when he was 16 months old and he screamed the whole time. I guess not much has changed and he truly doesn't like them!

I love this little boy!

Love Cooper Rongey!

The boys can't wait until Cooper Rongey is big enough to play with them!

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