Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

I created my first unpublished blog in early 2010 with only 1 blog...I hope this new blog is more successful! I want to capture all of the significant and insignificant moments in our lives. I don't have the best memory so this will be a way for me to remember little moments through out the year.

I enjoy spending time with my family. I am lucky that my husband is my best friend, and we truly like to hang out together. I enjoy playing at home with my boys as well as keeping busy sometimes with adventures.

I am a runner.

I love photography and scrapbooking. I try to get away with girlfriends for a weekend or two throughout the year to scrapbook.

I love cooking. I enjoy it most when I am uninterrupted which happens -- never!

I am an avid reader.

Here goes to keeping memories alive!

***DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer nor do I enjoy writing. I am into photography so this will be more of a photo blog with a little writing. Enjoy!***


  1. Yeah Ashley! I am totally with you. I do not like to write- it is not something that I have been exceptionally good at. I do love my family and want to remember all of the little moments that we share. Almost 2 years later I am still going strong. My original goal was 1 post a week. I have recently stepped it up a bit. Can't wait to follow you and your precious family. You rock!!

  2. Yea for you! Can't wait to keep up with you this year. Just don't become one of those crazy bloggers that blog 2-3 times a day. How do they find the time?

  3. Darn I was looking forward to reading your phenomenal writing.
