Sunday, February 27, 2011

So Close

Christian and his good buddy asked their wives to go camping. Looking forward to some quality time together, we said yes. After weeks of excitement on the husbands' end, our friends backed out the night before. Bummer. Packed - check. Kids going to grandparents - check. Us unexpected free time - check! Christian asked if I wanted to go camping still or do something else. Like stay at the Hard Rock on the coast? Yes! But being the nice wife I am, I let Christian pick since it was his big weekend. He was so fingers were crossed tightly, and he picks camping. Great. I almost had my weekend: a couple of movies, staying at the Hard Rock, a really big shower, and a really comfy king size bed, and maybe a good steak dinner.

As I was packing my bag, I look up as Christian is carefully rolling tiny rolls of toilet paper.

Christian: "Ash, how many times do you think you will go to the bathroom?"
Ashley: "What?"
C: "I need to know how much to bring."
A: "Uh yeah, bring the roll."
C: "No, we are backpack camping. How much do you need?"
A: "I am not telling you how many times I am going. Bring the roll."
C: "Maybe we should just go to the coast."
A: (Smiles really big)
C: "What are you bringing in the clothing sack?"
A: "Um, I have 2 pairs of pants, a pair of tights, 3 shirts, 2 pairs of shorts and a sweatshirt."
C: "What? I'm bringing a pair of pants, underwear and a shirt and I probably won't even change.We are only going for one night."
A: "That's gross and I'm a girl. I'm bringing my clothes."
C: "Maybe we should go to the coast"
A: (Smiles really big)

So off to Chicot State Park in Ville Platte 3 hours away.