Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

After 7 years of marriage, we finally made it to Louisville to visit Christian's sister, husband, and our niece. Whew! We always had what we felt was a valid excuse. The first 2 years of marriage I taught so we really only traveled in the summer and that's when we went to the beach. Christian couldn't take off too much time in the summer so there went another year. Then we had Jack, and who wants to travel with a baby for 12 hours?! Then we had Cooper, and again, who wants to travel with a baby for 12 hours? Finally, after 7 years, we felt ready. And I am so glad we went and I don't want to wait even half that long to go again.

We drove to my brother's house in Jackson and slept there. We left at 4AM the next morning and were there by 3. The kids were awesome in the car. Thank God!

We had such a great time visiting my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. The kids were in heaven being with Lilly. Jack even got to sleep in her room upstairs and he loved it. Cooper slept with us in the basement...which means there were 2 flights of stairs. Cooper was in his own little heaven too! We couldn't keep that boy from running and jumping off the stairs. We just might have to blame awesome Uncle Dan for that one! Uncle Dan also baked cookies with the kids, so as far as Coop is concerned there is no better than Uncle Dan!

Thanksgiving Day was spent at Kentucky Downs. We had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and watch a bunch of races. Jack and Coop got to learn how to bet...great...they picked the horses they wanted off of the coolness of their names. Monkey Toes was a fan favorite and that is how our elf got named Monkey Toes.

We had an awesome Thanksgiving and we can't wait to go back!

Christmas time together

Wrestling with Lilly

Jack loves Lilly so much!

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