Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Hard Goodbye

Brooksie Nicole (Jones) Walker Reiss
May 2, 2003 - September 19, 2011

I have wanted a dog for as long as I can remember. Every year for my birthday I would ask my parents for a dog. They even appeased me a couple of times. Sandy was my first dog and she was C-R-A-Z-Y. Of course, my parents blame yours truly for her craziness. I use to play outside all the time with her. She's the only dog I knew that would climb our tall slide backwards and slide down. She was awesome. So we gave her back. Nice. Thanks Mom and Dad. So they got us a new dog. Fluffy. Cutest dog ever! Sadly after having her for a short couple of months, she got out of the open gate and ran away. I won't give you my theory on how "she" got out. From then on, I would get a stuffed dog anytime I asked for a birthday. Nice again.

My sister-in-law called to tell me her mom was getting her a Cocker Spaniel from Texas. I asked her to pick one up for me too. I got Brooksie June 2003 and I never looked back. She was my dog and I was in love with her. I have so many wonderful memories of her. I will admit once I had children, she fell down or got kicked off her pedestal. She could bark with the best of them, and a woken child from sleeping does not equal a happy mother!

Brooksie got sick around 6 years old. Her last 2 years were on medication with frequent trips to the vet. Eventually it was kidney failure that ended her life.

The boys know she is in Heaven and Coop likes to tell people that. Great conversation starter! They miss her but have done surprising well. The only time that they don't miss her is when they have food. They use to act like starving children around Brooksie. If they didn't she would eat their food from them.

I never imagined it would be a as hard as it is without Brooskie. She is greatly missed by me and Christian. Sept. 19 was a lot rougher than I expected. I knew it was coming, and I thought I was prepared. I was not.

Brooskie was more to me than a dog that I fell in love with. She was my dog that I wanted for years and years. I was in love with her before I ever knew her. She was often dressed up and brought along everywhere with me. She even had her very own first birthday party with lots of people to celebrate. She was spoiled! Brooksie was my first child that I fell in love with, and I still miss her dearly.

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