Monday, February 21, 2011

It's Final

I did it. I let myself be talked into cutting Coop's hair. For real. No trim. The. real. deal.

And I regret it. Mom's, don't cut your baby's hair. Ever.

I still think my little baby is adorable. But he doesn't look like such a little baby anymore.


  1. I know, I know.... so sad. They instantly go from baby to boy with the snip of the scissors. sniff, sniff. Good news is he is still OH SO ADORABLE! I had to give him a double take on Sunday. ;)

  2. Aw, I'm sorry you regret it. I had to trim Jacob's the other day, I'm just glad there is some curl left. :( This too shall pass! At least you have pictures. We need to get together again soon!
